
The West Virginia Homeowners Rescue Program is CLOSED to all new claims and applications. Visit www.wvhomeresuce.com for more information. You may check the status of your application by logging into the application portal

The West Virginia Housing Development Fund Board of Directors will meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 31. Click here to view the agenda.


IRS Rules and Regulations

Final Regulations Section 1.42 8 (19.8 KB)

Election of Appropriate Percentage Month

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Final Regulations, Section 1.42 18 (220.6 KB)

Qualified Contracts 

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Final Regulations, Section 1.42 17 (12.8 KB)

Qualified Allocation Plan

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Final Regulations, Section 1.42 16 (10.7 KB)

Eligible Basis Reduced By Federal Grants

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Final Regulations, Section 1.42 15 (15.9 KB)

Available Unit Rule

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Final Regulations, Section 1.42 14 (27.7 KB)

Allocation Rules for Post-1989 State Housing Credit Ceiling Amounts

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Final Regulations, Section 1.42 12 (10.0 KB)

Effective Dates and Transitional Rules

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 11 (11.1 KB)

Provision of Services

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 10 (21.1 KB)

Utility Allowances

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 9 (10.2 KB)

For Use by the General Public

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Temporary Regulations Section 1.42 1T (44.9 KB)

Limitation on Low-Income Housing Credit Allowed with Respect to Qualified Low-Income Buildings Receiving Housing Credit Allocations From a State or Local Housing Credit Agency

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 6 (22.0 KB)

Buildings Qualifying for Carryover Allocations

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 13 (18.9 KB)

Rules Necessary and Appropriate; Housing Credit Agencies' Correction of Administrative Errors and Omissions

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Final Rule, 7 CFR Parts 1924, 1930, and 1944 (6.3 MB)

FmHA Cost Containment and Vulnerability

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Passive Activity Loss Limitations – Developer Rule, Final and Temporary Regulations, Section 1.469 0, 1.469 2, and 1.469 2T (442.5 KB)

Monitoring Compliance with Low-Income Housing Credit Requirements

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 5 (29.0 KB)

Monitoring Compliance with Low-Income Housing Credit Requirements, Final Regulations 

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 4 (10.1 KB)

Application of Not-For-Profit Rules of Section 183 to Low-Income Housing Credit Activities

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 3 (9.8 KB)

Treatment of Buildings Financed with Proceeds From a Loan Under an Affordable Housing Program Established Pursuant to Section 721 of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA)

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Final Regulations Section 1.42 2 (18.1 KB)

Waiver of Requirement that an Existing Building Eligible for the Low-Income Housing Credit was Last Placed in Service More Than 10 Years Prior to Acquisition by the Taxpayer

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