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The West Virginia Housing Development Fund has released our Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022.

The Annual Report serves as a record showing the Fund’s accomplishments through our Single Family and Multifamily programs and illustrates how our programs have a real impact in the communities we serve. 

Some highlights include:

  • A grant through the Affordable Housing Fund financed the completion of a new townhome for women in substance abuse recovery
  • The opening Blackwater Apartments brought much-needed affordable housing to Tucker County
  • An overview of Glade View, Webster County’s first and only affordable housing development
  • An illustration of our production and investment throughout West Virginia for the fiscal year.

“This years was a challenge, but the Fund met those challenges head-on,” said Erica Boggess, Executive Director of the West Virginia Housing Development Fund. “We managed two, large-scale federal COVID relief programs alongside our traditional programs in an effort to help West Virginians maintain housing stability throughout the pandemic. Our work to increase the supply of and access to affordable housing is as important now as ever. We thank Governor Justice, our Board of Directors, developers, nonprofit partners, and others who stand with us in this important work.”

For media inquiries, contact Communications Administrator Whitney Humphrey at 304-391-8643 or email