
The West Virginia Homeowners Rescue Program is CLOSED to all new claims and applications. Visit www.wvhomeresuce.com for more information. You may check the status of your application by logging into the application portal

The West Virginia Veterans’ Home Loan Mortgage Program is open! Click here for more information, including eligibility requirements and how to find a participating lender in your area. 


We are pleased to present the West Virginia Housing Development Fund’s Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report.

This is an important record of what we, as an agency, accomplished in Fiscal Year 2017. We went beyond spreadsheets and numbers to truly illustrate how our programs help state residents. The Fund has been, and always will be, a vital part of West Virginia.

A few highlights from this year’s report:

  • A letter from our dedicated staff highlighting our efforts to help those affected by the June flood and our “AAA” general obligation debt rating by Standard & Poor’s, one of the country’s most respected rating service.
  • You’ll meet a family from Huntington who purchased their home, which features a historic piece of Mountain State sports memorabilia, using our Movin’ Up program.
  • How the Fund is helping revitalize public housing developments in Charleston and Huntington.
  • Efforts by the Fund to help citizens rebuild after devastating flooding.
  • What we are doing to rid communities of blighted, dangerous structures.

Thank you for reading our 2017 Annual Report and we look forward to continuing to serve our state and its residents.